

  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 02:09:22 Anonymous coward said

    Jason Compton jams during his demo of Paul Slocum's (I think) Synth Cart.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 03:30:34 Anonymous coward said

    bohus blahut
    Yep. This is Jason jamming on Slocum's Synthcart. It's not really available yet, so this was a premiere of sorts. Next year, I'm expecting Jason to be jamming some Genesis solos on his own Synthcart! :)
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-17 14:05:47 Anonymous coward said

    When he's not trying to get those c/g movies and pix I brought him loaded up on his fd2000, without a good c/g viewer, or even ccgms.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-22 01:05:12 Anonymous coward said

    ack.. that is the top of my balding head in the lower right of the picture..

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