

  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 03:15:26 Anonymous coward said

    bohus blahut
    "I'm gonna need all you guys to move over to the right or else I'll split your ears by whistling on my fingers again!"
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 03:55:08 Anonymous coward said

    gulag picture radio
    "I woulda worn my 'CB radio' belt, but it's at my leatherworking class being retooled..."
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-18 03:51:15 Anonymous coward said

    Dr. Pepper
    Here are the three SWRAP User Group leaders who organized the EXPO (L-R: Robert Schwuchow, Randy Harris, and Dave Ross), welcoming everyone to Chicago.
  • Anonymous coward on 2004-Jan-28 14:01:35 Anonymous coward said

    Dave Ross
    Yep...welcoming everyone to Chicago by turning my butt towards them. That's a traditional greeting around here, ya lousy stinkin' Commie usin' bastards.

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