

  • Anonymous coward on 2004-Dec-06 07:29:04 Anonymous coward said

    Robin Harbron
    Very cool PET/TPUG wall hanging/mat/whatever :)
  • Anonymous coward on 2004-Dec-06 13:35:20 Anonymous coward said

    Looks a little like a dead football hide.
  • Anonymous coward on 2004-Dec-15 01:50:34 Anonymous coward said

    JP PBM (Joe)
    A rug hooking done by the bradly brothers mom? (I think?) I do know they said she definitly wanted it back after the show...
  • Anonymous coward on 2005-Jan-03 14:34:08 Anonymous coward said

    TPUG is the Toronto Pet Users Group: http://www.icomm.ca/tpug/

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