

  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 02:16:07 Anonymous coward said

    Jeri is a h4x0r!!!
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 03:53:10 Anonymous coward said

    bohus blahut
    Does installing Blue Tooth actually require... oh, never mind...
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 15:06:09 Anonymous coward said

    "Guys... Can someone give me a hand... I think I soldered this board to my retainer..."
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 19:02:19 Anonymous coward said

    Wow Jeri what were you doing? Looks like trying to fix a phone line. I don't think they got any to work there.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Nov-14 20:53:57 Anonymous coward said

    Robert Bernardo
    A bit on the hungry side, aren't we? ;-)

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