

  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 15:10:59 Anonymous coward said

    "And when I type 'Print', an image of the screen will magically rise from of this laser printer..."
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 18:41:53 Anonymous coward said

    Wow there I am in the Yellow shirt. The person in the green shirt was cling up back there putting all the stuff on the floor in a box. I was there looking because he got a good free 1541 type drive. I think it's called the 1001 drive. It has a 8 bit port on the back not 1 bit like 1541's do.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-17 13:57:26 Anonymous coward said

    That was a SFD1001 Drive. It stores 1 Meg on a DoubleSided disk. There were 2 of them in the freebie pile at the expo.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-21 18:16:40 Anonymous coward said

    Dang! I sure wish I coulda hoodshanked them there ol' fashioned superdrives!!! Oh well... there's always next year!! Woo!!

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