

  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 01:53:47 Anonymous coward said

    Greg Nacu takes a shot at GEOS.. just kidding.. he's showing off a very rare light rifle..
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 03:18:51 Anonymous coward said

    bohus blahut
    "Yeah, they'll stop laughing once my Book Depository simulator is done."
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 08:02:33 Anonymous coward said

    looks damn cool, when will this thing come out for sale?
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 13:34:31 Anonymous coward said

    wizkid: It did like 20 years ago.. This is the only one we know about
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 18:36:35 Anonymous coward said

    Greg was trying but it never worked. The person who worked in the bulding turned down and lights and it still did not work. Greg said it did when he set it up.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-15 18:39:37 Anonymous coward said

    Later on we got it working fine on a 1702 montir.. I think the problem ended up being a loose cable actually.
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Oct-18 03:59:19 Anonymous coward said

    Dr. Pepper
    I'm gonna kill me a sprite if it's last thing I do!
  • Anonymous coward on 2003-Nov-06 08:33:22 Anonymous coward said

    Actually, I wouldn't doubt it if it turned out to be my 1084 (pictured). The screen got horribly gaussed on the way to the Expo. Luckily, we have an privately-owned TV repair shop in town that cleared it up for me later that week.

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